Coronavirus Ruins Vacation!

Coronavirus ruins everything!  Our epic vacation to southern California is now a casualty and it saddens me greatly!
Coronavirus ruins Disney Vacation

We had all the plans in place.  We would drive to Disneyland for one last hurrah before my youngest and her husband headed off to graduate school.  This was slated to build memories as our grandkids experienced the magic of the theme park for the first time.  Furthermore, since Disney does such a wonderful job assisting their wheelchair visitors, it would be relaxing and low stress.  We even set aside time to go to a beach or two and enjoy the California springtime sunshine.  We would have a great time with our entire family and their families.

Today I will be cancelling the entire road trip – the big passenger van we reserved to drive there, the overnight hotel stays along the way, ALL of it.  Bummer!

Coronavirus will ruin a lot more than just vacations this year.  I spent my share of time this week reading about the threat the entire world faces together.  I marvel at just how much power something so small wields over humanity.  I sober at the thought.

Pulling Together

We are all in this pandemic together and now more than ever we must cooperate and support each other.  Let us pull together through the challenges ahead even as we remain socially apart.  I hope to do my part to help in any way I can even as a world economy strains to its breaking point.

Coronavirus Social Distancing
I spoke with one of my sisters a night or two ago and we discussed what social distancing means.  I told her that I needed to think of myself as a coronavirus carrier.  How would I behave if I knew I was spreading the virus, but feeling healthy?  Would I be okay going somewhere knowing I left behind the deadly coronavirus that could mean the end to an elderly neighbor or a cherished friend?  I am not okay with that at all and I hope that if people really stop and think about it, they are not okay with it either.

Let’s stay physically away from each other for now and use the cutting-edge technological tools the modern age brings us to connect.  The other day, my wife played with our two grandkids in the basement, virtually, using Facetime.  What a great way to make the most of a tough situation!  Technology offers us many chances to stay in touch through chats, email, Facebook, or just talking on the phone.  It is a wonderful time to be alive!

Video Call Graphic

A Staycation is STILL Possible

Maybe I spoke too soon at the beginning of this post when I said coronavirus ruins everything.  I see a lot of ideas surfacing to keep us entertained as social distancing entrenches and the crisis deepens.  Last night I watched a YouTube video where someone did the Pirates of the Caribbean “ride” in their house.  It was hilarious! 


As for Leslie, Jamie, and I, we will take a walk around the neighborhood or a drive to the mountains.  That kind of thing can be done even while keeping a distance from people.  I will build a fire in our backyard on a cool spring afternoon or evening soon and we will roast marshmallows.  Jamie will get me play the guitar some and I will sing some of the kid songs she likes.

Dragon Kite Flying

If a breezy day comes along, I will ride with Jamie in the car, crank up Smashmouth’s  “All Star” over the speakers and open the sunroof.   We will find a park or field and wheel to a secluded spot to fly the dragon kite.

Aside from the Utah ghost towns we saw in past years, there are still more we could explore and they will be remotely located.

It’s funny how I live so close to the Bonneville Salt Flats but have never seen  them.  It’s a big area and one that seems easy to be alone and way from people.  It just might be fun as a staycation day.  Who knows, but maybe I’ll try setting a land speed record of my own pushing Jamie in her wheelchair out there.

Yes, coronavirus ruins, but it is not getting into our spirt for now.  Stay safe!


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