Give Kindness for Coronavirus


During this surreal and difficult period, may I suggest one simple course of action – give kindness for coronavirus.  Everyone can do it rather easily and it will make such a positive difference to all during this enduring pandemic.

In Utah, the COVID-19 infection rate continues to increase while politicians worry more about recommending what is popular than what is truly needed.  It is high time we get beyond this behavior and do what is scientifically required to eradicate this disease.  Read more about what New Zealand did to get the upper hand (hint: it required some sacrifice and cooperation).

An Unsettling Story

I was appalled reading of a mother’s experience earlier this week in Southern Utah.  You can read the story in its entirety here.  But in short, she is being careful during this time and wearing a mask if she must go out because she has a young daughter with cerebral palsy and fragile health.  While shopping, another woman jumped in front of her and breathed in her face!  Really?!

It is hard to miss the political arguments behind the mask vs no mask debate, but honestly, I don’t get it.  I simply think everyone should show respect toward others and treat people as you want to be treated.  The mother in the article goes on with a plea to practice kindness for the Coronavirus and even mentions that she doubts the woman would have breathed on her if she was aware of her family situation and the health challenges her daughter faces.

What About My Loved Ones?

After I read the story, I reflected on my own personal situation.  Jamie is quite healthy, but she is not exactly known for her high level of personal hygiene and she has never quite understood the concept of blowing her nose.  Leslie and I are trying to be careful during the pandemic because the thought of her getting sick and not fully understanding what is going on is troubling.  We also worry about us as caregivers who need to keep healthy as long as possible to support her.


We bought some masks from our neighbor who enjoys sewing and Leslie sewed a few more herself.  We don’t take Jamie out, but just one of us shops and dons a mask while doing so.  It is what we want to do to protect our family and others – the science indicates that masks offer some protection from COVID-19.  Even if the science proves to be wrong at some point, will it have been such a bad thing that I wore a mask during the pandemic?  I hardly think so and even view it as my own little act of kindness as I am doing what I believe I can to help others stay healthy.

A Wheelchair Vacation Example of Kindness

Kindness is such a powerful force if we choose to embrace it.  I have mentioned in other areas of this website how it has impacted me while traveling with Jamie.  I am usually the recipient in these cases because people can be very good at watching out for the disabled.  As I am writing, I am reminded of one experience in particular involving a trip we took to Death Valley in November of 2017.  When we got home, I posted this about it on Facebook:

People are inherently good!

As we got to our hotel Friday for our last night stay at Death Valley, we immediately saw that the entire parking lot was filled with motorcycles, mostly BMWs, and there was a good size group of men hanging out and talking. The handicapped spot was available and we parked there, but it was a little walk to our room.

Leslie got out and started helping Jamie walk over and I unloaded the luggage and members from the “mild gang” immediately offered to move and make a space for our car close to the room – they were very nice guys and even kept the space open for us when we ran to get ice cream.

Hurray for being nice to people! Very appreciative of this group.

This photo accompanied the post:

In another lifetime under different circumstances, I would hope I had my own fancy motorcycle and would be riding with such a classy group.  These guys were a great example of being kind to someone else just because it is the right thing to do. 

Kindness if contagious – maybe as much or more than COVID-19, if we are all willing to give it a chance.  Who doesn’t feel a profound impact from it when they experience it firsthand?

A Final Plea for Kindness

Now, back to kindness for coronavirus… We are likely in this pandemic for some time to come – at least that is what the numbers seem to indicate lately as case counts begin to skyrocket through many states.  This is scary stuff!

Surely you are close to someone – a beloved grandparent, an immune suppressed spouse or child, a cherished friend, a close neighbor – who you would want to go to bat for to keep safe.  Please, let’s help these folks out by doing what we can to eradicate the virus.  Wear a mask, social distance, practice good hygiene – right now, these are the kindest steps we can take. 

I believe the actions science has asked of us will make this challenging time more bearable and may even shorten it some.  I don’t think anyone would complain about having economic recovery sooner than later.  Dining out is a favorite American pastime and in our house, we have sorely missed it.  Finally, as this is a travel website, we would love to get back out on another adventurous wheelchair trip!   

May you give kindness by helping others stay healthy during this pandemic.  May you and your loved ones receive it in return.

Stay safe!

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